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皇冠大全买球开始新的一年! We provide so much more than just the items in our collection (though those are pretty great). 看看23个有趣的, 有帮助的, or productive things you can do at the 皇冠大全买球 this year, and ask any of our awesome staff for more information about everything the 皇冠大全买球 offers.

  1. 拿好护照 – The 皇冠大全买球 is a full-service Passport Application Acceptance Facility, which means that our trained staff can take your pictures and help with filling out the forms and forwarding paperwork to the U.S. 国务院.
  2. 记录你的播客 – Our top-of-the-line podcasting equipment easily configures for up to two podcasters, and it’s super simple setup means that even beginners can master it quickly and easily.
  3. 为你的孩子(或你自己)挑选玩具 – Did you know the 皇冠大全买球 has a collection of useful items that you can borrow? Including a sizeable collection of STEAM Learning tools and toys for young learners.
  4. 控制好你的心脏健康 – Now you can check out blood pressure monitoring kits for at-home use, thanks to a new partnership. 分享 that info with your doctor to make sure everything is ticking along like it should.
  5. 参加讲故事活动 -扫盲是我们工作的核心, and our weekly storytimes are a great time to get your tiny reader engaged and ready to read!
  6. 安排一些手工制作 – We offer lots of classes and programs to introduce you to the tools available in our makerspace, but you can also schedule one-on-one time with our staff to get crafty in the 创建站!
  7. 看一本畅销书 – Our new and improved online catalog makes it easier than ever to find your next great read, 无论是畅销书还是隐藏的独立游戏. We’re always glad to offer personalized recommendations, as well.
  8. 公证你的重要文件 -我们的许多工作人员都是公证人, so you can get your important documents notarized almost any time the 皇冠大全买球 is open for FREE.
  9. 参加读书俱乐部 – We offer regular book discussions for patrons of all ages. 去我们的一个(或所有)读书俱乐部看看, and grab a free copy of the book by stopping by the 皇冠大全买球 ahead of time.
  10. 调查你的家族史 – Access free online genealogy research tools, like Ancestry.com and HeritageQuest to learn more about the folks who came before you.
  11. 登上移动图书车 – Our bookmobile brings library services to patrons in far or underserved communities, 支持访问社区资源, and builds meaningful relationships that foster love for literacy and lifelong learning.
  12. 在移动设备上阅读或听书 -通过我们的虚拟皇冠大全买球和它的应用程序, 利比, 你可以访问成千上万的电子书, eAudiobooks, 以及移动设备上的电子杂志, 而且都是免费的.
  13. 带上一些网络 – Check out free mobile hotspots for at-home use just as you would check out any other item from the 皇冠大全买球. The WiFi2Go mobile hotspot is easy to use – just turn it on, and you are ready to connect up to 15 devices to the internet.
  14. 美化你的简历和求职信 - Learning Express 皇冠大全买球提供“Job . net”等工具 & 职业生涯的加速器,策划的“计算机技能中心”,” and a “Career Center” to learn more about all different kinds of careers and their necessary exams and/or licensing. 免费, 你可以使用他们循序渐进的简历制作工具, 获取重要的备考帮助, 获得面试技巧和技巧, 搜索学校和奖学金.
  15. 尝试一项新的运动 – Offered in partnership with the 怀俄明 Tennis Association, 你可以看看网球装备, 完成2球拍, 拉绳背包, 以及你需要尝试新事物的动力!
  16. 成为社交媒体的影响者 -用我们的家庭背景, 光戒指, 三脚, 和照相机, you can check out everything you need from our 物库 to start influencing others with your social media presence!
  17. 缝补你最喜欢的毛衣 -丢了一颗纽扣? 拉开拉链? We can show you how to put it all back together with On the Mend! Bring your item you need help fixing and see what you can do to fix it. 加入我们的创造站2nd 每个月的周六参加这个团体手工制作项目.
  18. 看看一些新的电子游戏 -圣诞节得到了一个新的游戏机? Check out tons of new Nintendo, PlayStation, and Xbox games from the 皇冠大全买球 to get playing.
  19. 录制下一个广告 – Our new Studio and video production equipment drastically simplifies the video production workflow, eliminating several time-consuming steps when creating your professional-grade video file.
  20. 拿个贴纸 – Stop by the 皇冠大全买球 to grab free vinyl stickers to plaster all over your car, 水瓶, notebook 和更多的 to show your love for the Natrona县皇冠大全买球 and reading!
  21. 发展你的业务 -在考虑开店? 让我们来帮忙. 希望扩大你现有的小企业? 我们也能帮上忙. Our online tools and in-house know-how are great resources for entrepreneurs, 初创企业, 企业主, 和更多的.
  22. 成立一个读书俱乐部 – Looking for an excuse to get your friends together on a regular basis? Start your own book club and offer everyone in the group a free copy of the book with our handy dandy 读书俱乐部教材, 可供结帐.
  23. 探索来自全国各地的项目 -以图书证持有人的身份, you have access to the collections of every library in 怀俄明 – that’s a lot! So if we don’t have what you need, we probably know somebody who will. Let us know what you want, and we’ll request it via 馆际互借.


把免费的书寄给你的孩子 – Inspire your child’s love of reading with Dolly Parton’s 想象力皇冠大全买球, 免费邮寄的赠书程序, 高质量的书籍,从出生到五岁的孩子, offered in partnership with the Natrona Collective Health Trust.
